The Murph Challenge Day 21: Jon Mares
Day 21 of 31 is dedicated to a friend that has always brought smiles and laughs to others. Jon Mares was one of the first kids I met in 2nd grade when I started attending a new elementary school. He has been a fun loving, hilarious, and awesome guy from those early days, through our high school football days, to today as a husband and father of two boys. Jon has a great heart and never lost that amazing sense of humor I remember from our elementary school days.
In April of 2020, Jon was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Since diagnosis, Jon has had excellent and aggressive care at Froedtert in Milwaukee. His treatment plan has led to a Bone Marrow transplant and a pause from his regular work schedule to focus on health and healing.
Being that today is Father’s Day, I wanted to make sure to dedicate today to a father that we can all aspire to. His wife Molly says this about Jon,
“anyone who knows Jon would classify him as a jokester and football aficionado. I am beyond blessed to know him also as a fantastic husband and father. Family always comes first for him–even when that means picking apples instead of watching a Notre Dame game live. He brings the fun in our home while also keeping us grounded. There is nothing Jon loves more than spending time with his boys.”
Good friend, Jack Beyer, had this to say about Jon’s character,
“he is the kind of guy that was put on this earth to make people laugh and smile. With a smirk and a chuckle, I could always rely on Jon to add laughter and light to any situation. In the time I have spent around his boys, I can see that trait is getting passed on to the next generation.”
Every Day We Fight is happy to dedicate today’s Murph Challenge to a man who makes the world and others better, Jon Mares.
Keep fighting and inspiring buddy! We need more men like you!
Day 21 Murph time: 28:56
Thank you Joe Mosher for the nomination.