The Murph Challenge Day 16: Patti Socha
Day 16 of 31 is dedicated to Patti Socha. My Aunt Patti knows what it’s like to go through a battle. Before I get to her story, I have to start by mentioning her as a person who has loved me unconditionally over the years. Always speaking love and positively into me. She saw my biggest mistakes and failures growing up. Her and my Uncle Randy always welcomed me with open arms, believed in me, and I have so many great memories from my youth at their house playing with my cousins.
Back to battles…Randy jokes that she’s like a cat with nine lives. Here is a snapshot: Spring 2011 she had a kidney fail. She started dialysis at home through a tube in abdomen. That failed and needed a port in her neck until arm fistula was ready. Diagnosed with cancer in 2013 and had treatments for over a year and become clear in 2015. Add multiple surgeries over the next three years. In 2018 she had allergic reaction to antibiotic and had to be revived for 30 minutes to keep her alive. She became slightly paralyzed in her left leg. On Memorial Day of this year, she went in for pneumonia. Stayed overnight and during the evening her spleen ruptured and she had emergency surgery to repair. She is still in recovery from that and does dialysis 3 days a week for bad kidney function.
Randy says,
“With all she has been through, she tries to keep things feeling normal for the kids even when she is in pain. Even though I have seen her at her worst, she keeps pushing for perfect days we spend together.”
With all these battles my Aunt Patti has faced, she still shows that same love, smile, and positivity that I remember growing up every time we see her.
My cousin, Jake (Patti’s son), had this to say about his mom: “My mom never ceases to amaze me and those around her. For every battle she has fought and is currently fighting, she has struggled, but she has always come out smiling and laughing in the end. She has become a hero to our family and friends. Her perseverance as well as the love she has for others will always inspire me to be better and spread the same joy she has given us.”
I’m grateful to dedicate today’s Murph Challenge to my wonderful Aunt: Patti Socha.
Day 16 Murph Time: 29:51