The Murph Challenge Day 12: Jamie Bark and Family
Day 12 of 31 is dedicated to Jamie Bark and Family. A family of four: Jamie, his wife (Jackie), and two daughters, Maddie (14) and Gabbie (10). At 18 months old they found out Gabbie has a form of Muscular Dystrophy called Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2, or SMA for short. The SMA has prevented her from ever taking a step. “She’s smart as a whip, but needs help getting dressed, bathing, brushing her hair and so many other things most of us take for granted,” says Jamie.
Another significant challenge happened six years ago when Jackie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Then two years ago that Diagnosis was changed to Progressive MS. Her symptoms are wide ranging from acute pain in her legs, balance issues, vision issues, muscle tightness and extreme fatigue. Unfortunately, cognitive decline has also been a part of her journey and her condition is expected to be a continuous decline.
In a recent update Jamie said:
“Jackie continues to struggle. “Stuff” has been getting real. Twice in the last week she has ended up on the floor and couldn’t get the legs to work. Zero strength or communication between her brain and the lower appendages. Scary.”
Jamie is self employed, owning a glass company and he is his only employee. Needless to say, being the full time caregiver for both his wife and daughter has made his business suffer drastically. His continuous optimism and determination inspire many who know him (from a close friend): “He’s Superman! He cares for both his wife and children with multiple health issues while still making time to run long distances to keep himself healthy mentally and physically. Such an incredible family!”
The Bark Family is a Family of Fighters. Jamie is a man doing everything he can as a provider, husband, father, caregiver, and leader who fights for his family every day. A shout out to his daughter Maddie who also helps as much as she can as she juggles school and activities along the way.
Every Day We Fight is proud to dedicate Murph Challenge 12 of 31 to Jamie Bark & Family!
Day 12 Murph Time: 29:47