The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 3: Kyler Deschampe
Today, suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 15-34 and third in ages 10-14. 1 in 4 people in America experience a mental illness. Mental Health is not a one size fits all conversation – just like life, everyone has their own story to tell.
Today we remember and dedicate a day to Kyler Deschampe. A story that ended too soon as a 17 year old who died by suicide.
“There are people in this life that carry their pain on their sleeve, others solely in their heart, and some in such a way that they can turn it into magic. Kyler Deschampe, forever 17 years old, is one of those magical people. Kyler battled depression, anxiety, and the kind of hardships that many people choose to believe don’t exist. Kyler turned his pain into charisma, loyalty, laughter, and so much more. Kyler didn’t get the childhood he deserved but he gave it everything he had.
If you were a friend of Kyler’s, you know that he’s walking along side us all, because he’s the kind of guy that has your back forever. The last time I saw him he told me to take care of myself. Those words haunt me, because I just wish the world could’ve taken care of him. By ending the stigma around mental health, we can start to take better care of our people hurting. We must educate ourselves, advocate for others, and ensure that the people we love know they’re loved so we don’t lose any more magic in this world. I love you, Kyler.”
– Krystal B.
Day 3 of 32 dedicated to honor and remember Kyler Deschampe. Team Murph: 40:17