The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 18: Krystal Baumann
4 years and 49 rounds of chemotherapy to see 29.
If I can pinpoint one relationship that ignited the mission and vision for Every Day We Fight, it’s my friend Krystal Baumann.
In the Fall of 2018, Krystal was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. She attacked it with every ounce of physical and mental strength she had. At one point the outlook was 3 months to live. She defied the odds to hear the words remission only to see it come back stronger a couple months later.
As I reflect back on her journey and our friendship these last 4 years, I’m grateful for the peaks and the valleys we walked through together. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to witness first hand in seeing my friend suffer while finding a way to fight every day. The peaks and moments at the top of the mountain have been unforgettable. Getting to the dawn after the darkest moments have been the most impactful.
There’s a quote that goes, “to keep fighting when the world would understand if you fall to pieces is true strength.” That’s my friend and someone I call my little sister, Krystal.
Krystal’s fight is far from over, but recent scans showed progress and her cancer is at the most manageable phase. It’s the results we have been praying for and I know her impact on this world is just getting started.
To get to today, her 29th birthday, is a blessing and miracle. Her fight, her grit, her way of always getting up no matter how many times cancer and chemo knock her down is nothing short of incredible.
Every Day We Fight is honored to dedicate Day 18 of 32 to a Warrior, Krystal Baumann.
Murph Time: 28:16
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 3: Kyler Deschampe
Today, suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 15-34 and third in ages 10-14. 1 in 4 people in America experience a mental illness. Mental Health is not a one size fits all conversation – just like life, everyone has their own story to tell.
Today we remember and dedicate a day to Kyler Deschampe. A story that ended too soon as a 17 year old who died by suicide.
“There are people in this life that carry their pain on their sleeve, others solely in their heart, and some in such a way that they can turn it into magic. Kyler Deschampe, forever 17 years old, is one of those magical people. Kyler battled depression, anxiety, and the kind of hardships that many people choose to believe don’t exist. Kyler turned his pain into charisma, loyalty, laughter, and so much more. Kyler didn’t get the childhood he deserved but he gave it everything he had.
If you were a friend of Kyler’s, you know that he’s walking along side us all, because he’s the kind of guy that has your back forever. The last time I saw him he told me to take care of myself. Those words haunt me, because I just wish the world could’ve taken care of him. By ending the stigma around mental health, we can start to take better care of our people hurting. We must educate ourselves, advocate for others, and ensure that the people we love know they’re loved so we don’t lose any more magic in this world. I love you, Kyler.”
– Krystal B.
Day 3 of 32 dedicated to honor and remember Kyler Deschampe. Team Murph: 40:17
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 2: Kayla Stotz
“Victory is sweetest where the battle is greatest, and that is how life is. When you look at all you have overcome to win the hardest battle, you will be more than proud of yourself.”
Kayla has been a friend and member of our health club for almost 5 years. We’ve watched her kids Dane and Piper grow up as they always tagged along as her sidekicks for class and training. Our health club is a place where Kayla got stronger physically, but also fights back against mental health as well.
Over the last couple years Kayla had been searching for answers with health challenges she had been facing. After being a continued advocate for her health she finally got an answer. Unfortunately, it was an answer that none of us wanted to hear….cancer.
When she shared the news, we knew that she would attack her Hodgkin Lymphoma battle with every ounce of strength in her body. We knew she would turn that diagnosis into determination.
“She is an amazing mother, wife, and friend. Even after her diagnosis, she stayed exactly that way. She never complained about any of what she was going through and kept a positive outlook on her situation.” – Kylee (friend and trainer)
For anyone that has taken class with Kayla over the years….she’s not big in stature but packs one helluva punch. She gives non-stop effort and grit in every class.
“It’s been a journey for sure! As hard as it was, I also found it rewarding seeing my strength and watching myself grow as a person through this experience. I’ve learned a lot about myself! Thank you for your continued support, love, prayers & for always being in my corner! I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive group of friends & family through chemo!”
– Kayla
After years of uncertainty and unanswered questions about her health, to 6 months of chemo and radiation battling cancer, Kayla heard an amazing word last month: Remission! There is still work ahead, but this woman exemplifies strength and toughness. She earned her victory hands.
Day 2 of 32 dedicated to our friend Kayla Stotz. Team Murph: 26:25