The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 32: Holly Betker
Today’s dedication is described by her family as, “the best big sister, daughter, and Aunt there is. She is fun and quirky, loves to ride rollercoasters, and gives the biggest hugs. She is the life of any party and the loudest laugh in the room.”
Holly was diagnosed with liver and colon cancer less than two years ago. She had surgery to remove the cancer and part of her liver, but the cancer came back in that area. She is now looking at a terminal diagnosis given around 6 months to live.
Her brother Austin says, “Holly has had some disadvantages in life – including dealing with some very serious cancer – but her light and ability to make people smile is never gone. Her family is so proud of her and very happy that she is feeling like herself for now, having so much fun and doing all the things she loves.”
When asked about his biggest takeaways from all the adversity his sister, Holly, has faced he said, “to be kind to everyone, no matter what. To stay humble and feel gratitude often because your situation could be much more unfair. To spend the time you can with the people you love because you never know when it can run out.”
Every Day We Fight is blessed to dedicate Day 32 of 32 to a fighter that we can all learn from. A fighter that reminds us to laugh more, hug more, and make the ones you love smile. Her name is Holly Betker.
Thank you to my friend Julia for the nomination of her cousin and completing every rep on todays Murph: 32:19
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 31: Silas Willey
“Behind every scar there is and untold story of survival.”
This is a quote that stuck out to Silas’s parents (Shawn and Lisa) through their sons battle. Silas was dianosed with a rare and inoperable brain tumor in June of 2014.
Prior to his diagnosis they noticed that baby Silas was losing weight. He was throwing up more than normal and they decided to seek medical advice. In April, he was treated with an NG feeding tube hoping this would help him gain weight.
June came and still not significant weight gain and now Shawn noticed a rotation in one of his eyes (later diagnosed as nystagmus). Lisa immediately made a call to Rochester, MN where the Mayo clinic is located and within days they were all there. The entire family even moved there for a period of time as the 5 hour trip one way (from Fond Du Lac, WI) was too much.
On October 17, 2017, Silas suffered what they were told was a catastrophic brain bleed that was unsurvivable. His Oncologist from Mayo called immediately and told the E.R. Doctor something they will never forget, “this boy is not your average boy, he is a fighter and you need to get him on a helicopter heading to the nearest pediatric trauma center”.
Lisa reflects with this, “Here we are, 4+ years later and Silas has not only survived, but is exceeding expectations. He has been making huge strides lately in school and his therapy sessions. Si is such an unbelievable kid, and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.”
Here is Silas celebrating his 8th Birthday! What an incredible fighter!
Every Day We Fight is honored and blessed to dedicate Day 31 of 32 to a boy that defies the odds and never stops fighting, Silas Willey.
Murph: 27:10
Thank you Stacy Rodgers for the nomination.
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 30: Roberta Niver
Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 44 and being a single mom of three young boys is quite a challenge. Today’s dedication exemplifies perseverance as 19 years later she’s still going strong.
Roberta is fighter. I met her two years ago when she stepped into our boxing club and joined our Knockout Parkinson’s Program. She started with punching just the air and had a hard time making it through classes. True to the fighter she is, she stuck to it and is now completing the entire class hitting the bag and she even has the energy to enjoy coffee with her friends from class afterward.
When asked about her fighting spirit, she goes back to her three boys who are all in their 20’s-30’s now and are her caregivers. “My sons are my fighting spirit. When I get down they bring me up. I don’t know where I’d be without them. They are the wind beneath my wings,” says Roberta.
She has many takeaways from her journey and battle over the years but what stood out is a message and reminder for each of us. “Family, people, and relationships are what life is all about. Be kind to people. You never know what someone is going through or dealing with.”
She adds this about her growing in her battle, “I used to hide my Parkinson’s for many years by sitting on my hands or fidgeting and moving my legs, but the muscles on my Parkinson side have become very tight and painful. Now I tell people I have Parkinson’s if I start to shake, have dyskinesia, or walk differently. The more people know what Parkinson’s is all about, the more ways we can get support to find a way to stop it by finding a cure.”
Every Day We Fight is honored to dedicate Day 30 of 32 to an inspiring mom, friend, and fighter. A woman that never gives up, Roberta Niver.
Team Murph: 25:25
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 29: Chris Derendal
7 years ago today’s dedication recommitted to a healthier lifestyle for his wife (Bonnie) and two kids (Carter and Ella). He stay committed and dropped over 100lbs. Unfortunately, shortly after, he began to experience stomach pain. Tests and scans confirmed he had stage 4 colon cancer.
Chris is a warrior. His family lost count of how many rounds of chemo he has been through after 50. He’s had 70% of liver removed, getting 12-14 liters of fluid drained weekly.
Despite the challenges, brother in law and nominator, Jake says, “he is a man of faith and lives loving what each day brings. He does not seem like he worries about tomorrow.”
When asked about his journey, Chris replied, “I try my best to not let cancer define me, but it has gotten more difficult as the years have gone on. For the most part, anytime I’m with family is when the cancer diagnosis is ignored and life is lived. Gotta keep making those good memories!”
Chris’s impact goes far behind his household, “Chris inspires me because with everything that’s going on in his life, whenever our family is together, he always finds the joy in the little things and acts like the cancer isn’t even a thing. He’s so positive about being happy in the moment! His joy and positivity gives me strength every time I see or think of him! Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement, strength and all the laughs you provide every time I see you,” says Jake.
Every Day We Fight is blessed to Dedicate Day 29 of 32 to strong and resilient fighter, Chris Derendal.
Team Murph: 23:50
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 28: Amanda Calvin
As a physician, “she is adored by everyone she works with, including her partners, referring providers, nurses, ancillary staff, and more,” says friend and colleague Lisa. A few of her accolades include, Pulmonary and Critical Care Outstanding Achievement Award, Angela and Anne V. Marinelli Endowed Fellowship Award for Exceptional Achievement and Promise in Clinical Practice, and Silver Fellow Award.
In 2020, her husband Rob was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer just before they got married. Despite that, they were able to have a beautiful wedding at their home.
Rob was treated at both Park Nicollet and Mayo where he was put on a trial for pancreatic cancer. He initially responded well to treatment and they were blessed to get pregnant.
Their son, Finn, made a surprise appearance on February 14, 2022. “He had to spend time in the NICU as he was premature, ultimately going home with a feeding tube. Amanda was thus taking care of a premature baby as well as a husband on hospice,” recalls Lisa.
Just over a month after Finn’s birth, Rob passed away.
Friend and colleague, Jon Shelver, says, “from watching Amanda, nobody would think she has been through such a heartbreaking tragedy. She is handling all the battles of parenting a one year old, and she is doing it without her husband. She stays positive and she is constantly helping others and finding a way to make a positive impact outside of her own world. She is incredibly well respected throughout our entire hospital system, and she has managed to kick ass in a demanding career while also handling everything that she has been through in the past year. She is the first to downplay one amazing person she is, and she is always an incredible friend who is giving to others.”
Every Day We Fight is honored to dedicate Day 28 of 32 to compassionate and inspiring person, Amanda Calvin.
Team Murph: 25:18
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 27: Nadia Bibeau
Let your faith be stronger than your fear.
Today’s dedication writes on 9/23/21, “4 months ago I was given 3 months to live, with a 35% survival rate. We weren’t sure what would happen in those 3 months, my lungs started failing, my abdomen and other organs were being taking over by cancer cells. Everyday I was terrified my body would start failing, I was terrified cancer was going to take my life. That being said I got baptized, handed my life and faith over to Jesus. I prayed and prayed everyday, for a miracle, for Him to save me and heal me.”
Nadia has been battling ovarian and cervical cancer for over two years. She was also diagnosed with endometriosis which causes chronic pain and health challenges. She’s been through chemo, radiation, hormone therapy, and multiple surgeries including having most of her cervix removed. She heard the word remission and “cancer free” not once, not twice, but three times before her 25th birthday.
Nominator, Deb, had this to say about Nadia, “She has overcame all the challenges placed in front of her. She trusted God had a plan. She has become stronger because of it.” Her husband, Isaac, adds, “she is strong and the most amazing person I know, she can overcome absolutely anything.”
Nadia echoes those words with these key takeaways from her battle, “we should never take life for granted, my husband and I eloped because we had so much uncertainty. I never really knew when things would get worse or better so I lived each day like it was my last and don’t take anything for granted.”
She continues with this thought on faith and her journey, “God will never leave you at your darkest moments, every time I felt like giving up or not wanting to do treatment, God helped me through. Cancer honestly changed my life for the better. It’s made me the person who I am today. It’s pushed me to be a better person, be stronger, be more loving. I don’t regret having cancer or going through the fight I went through. Without getting cancer I wouldn’t have the faith or relationship I do with God.”
Every Day We Fight is blessed to dedicate Day 27 of 32 to a strong and resilient faith filled fighter, Nadia Bibeau.
Team Murph: 25:14
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 26: Nicole Axely
On June 21, 2021, today’s fighter was not feeling well and reluctantly went to go get checked out. She found out her hemoglobin was at a 4.5 and she would need a blood transfusion. After more testing her and her family of five world was about to be challenged in a new way with the diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
As Nicole reflects back on the last year she says, “It has definitely been a different kind of year for myself and our family. Together we put on our boxing gloves and fought like hell, and let me tell you some of those fights weren’t easy! Standing here today and looking back we have been through a lot emotionally and physically, and we truly couldn’t have done this without the AMAZING support of our family, friends, Dr’s, nurses and complete strangers that care!! It is really humbling!”
After completing her chemo rounds she would need to delay her bone marrow/stem cell transplant because of a positive Covid test. Her November 4th transplant was postponed until November 30, 2021. “They call this your “second birthday,” and for good reason. A selfless donor from Germany is giving me life again. Please consider registering with BeTheMatch, it’s as simple as a cheek swab. You might save someones life!”
100 days after her original diagnosis, Nicole and her family heard the word: REMISSION! Although there is a lot to celebrate, she will continue on a short term “maintenance” chemo because she is MRD+ (minimum residual disease positive) which means she has higher risk for relapse. This treatment will reduce her risk of relapse by 50%.
Every Day We Fight is thankful to dedicate Day 26 of 32 to a fighter with one heck of a punch, Nicole Axely.
Team Murph: 25:47
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 25: Jeff Geving
Just a few years ago today’s dedication was an avid runner and bike rider, even qualifying and completing the Boston Marathon. Back in 2015, he rode his motorcycle all the way to Alaska. Prior to his diagnosis, he was traveling all over the country for his job and was always willing to lend a helping hand whether he knew you or not.
In 2021, Jeff experienced significant weight loss and the inability to consume food and drinks. His weight has dropped 100lbs to date. Doctors were able to identify the issues early on and in May of 2021, Jeff was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer which he was told was inoperable. Shortly after the diagnosis, Jeff started chemo. The tumor was shrinking but the side effects of chemo were extremely challenging.
After months of tough side effects, Jeff was headed to Mexico for an alternative treatment. His sister, Jill, continues the story, “his treatment in Mexico was supposed to be 3 weeks, but unfortunately after 2 weeks Jeff ended up in the hospital as he was bleeding internally and almost died. They were able to give him a blood transfusion. He spent the night in the hospital and the next day we were able to get him transferred across the border to a hospital in San Diego. We were trying to get Jeff home here in New Richmond, WI. The doctors there did not feel he would be able to make the flight home, but because of the fighter and strong person Jeff is, we got him home.”
Jeff has one more round of chemo and immunotherapy followed by a PET scan. This will determine whether an endoscopic procedure and biopsies will be required.
There is little doubt on his determination to fight on, “Jeff is one of the strongest people I know. He has not given up and is looking for any opportunity out there that he can find to fight this cancer,” says Jill.
We are all in your corner as you continue to fight Jeff!
Every Day We Fight is blessed to dedicate day 25 of 32 to a man that will never stop fighting, Jeff Geving.
Team Murph: 25:01
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 24: Kelly Koch
A near fatal car accident left today’s dedication paralyzed from the neck down. After an emergency spinal surgery in her neck via spinal decompression and fusion, she had to learn to walk again, eat again, and function in life again.
In September of 2020, she had a second emergency spinal surgery when disks from the first surgery were pushing into her spinal cord. Just three months after that surgery, doctors discovered a cancereous brain tumor.
December 29, 2020, she underwent an awake brain operation to remove as much of her brain tumor as they could. Her chance of survival was just 10%. However, if she chose not to have this operation, she would not survive more than a month. Following surgery, it was confirmed she had Stage 3 brain cancer – Anaplastic Astrocytoma (Glioma grade 3 tumor). They were only able to remove 50% of the brain tumor or she would have become paralyzed again or potentially would have been fatal.
Kelly reflects back on her journey, “I fought hard and gave cancer hell and never lost faith. Even though I had to learn how to walk again twice as an adult I never felt sorry for myself. I believe moments like these come down to a quote my Papa used to say, “A strong wind makes a strong tree. NEVER GIVE UP. Never give up on yourself, family and God.” – Norman Sobczak. I stayed determined. Were there frustrated tears, yes? Absolutely! But you pick that battle sword back up and keep going until your battle is won!”
Her doctors all keep calling her their “miracle patient” because she keeps beating their medical odds. “I will never give up and I will never lose my faith. I am excited to say that my doctor said that I beat brain cancer,” says Kelly.
Kelly’s mom, Jeannie, is now battling cancer as well and it’s hard to imagine that there could be anyone better in your corner than Kelly, “we are taking care of her as she kicks cancer’s booty too.”
Every Day We Fight is honored to dedicate day 24 of 32 to a survivor and resilient warrior, Kelly Koch.
Team Murph: 25:45
The 2022 Murph Challenge Day 23: Theron Drier
What does is take to be a four time cancer survivor? Resilience, mental toughness, and whole lot more. He uses this Sheilah Passegger’s quote to summarize his journey, “Although my life will never be the same, because of cancer, it will always be more meaningful.”
Today’s dedication has been through some battles. As for cancer specific ones, that battle began back in 2009 just after he turned 30. Here is a quick recap of his journey through 4 bouts of cancer:
2009 – Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma – surgical removal of lymphs, chemotherapy regimen and maintenance therapy infusions every three months for two years
2012 – a cancer of unknown primary – than diagnosed as small bowel cancer – chemotherapy regimen – small bowel rescission
2015 – small bowel cancer recurrence – chemotherapy regimen – removal of lymph nodes
2021 – pancreatic cancer – removal of spleen, gallbladder, 21 lymph nodes and half of pancreas and currently on 2 years of immunotherapy every 4 weeks with 1 year complete.
There’s no doubt that Theron Drier is a warrior and helluva fighter. During his first bout with cancer he endured chemotherapy, graduated school studies, and first time parenthood all at the same time. The second bout included more milestones of a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and the birth of his daughter in 2011.
The fourth bout in April 2021 (pancreatic cancer), hit him the hardest. Theron says, “I wish I could tell you that with so much cancer experience the diagnosis gets easier to hear. It doesn’t. It is a rollercoaster of ups and downs full of despair and hope. However, cancer does not care how old you are, where you are in your life situation, your plans, or who rides that rollercoaster with you. What I can confidently tell you is that when you are touched by cancer you always have two choices: fight or flight. I have always choose to stand my ground and fight!”
Theron leans on his wrestling background to help him persevere, “I’ve grown to view my struggle with cancer as being very similar to a wrestling match…if there’s still time on the clock, there’s still time to win. I turned in my wrestling singlet years ago, but I still rely on the skills and discipline developed in wrestling to provide the necessary foundation and toughness to see me through whatever cancer hands me.”
His hope from reading his story, “concentrate more on enjoying the little things in life, because they are the hidden gems that make life worth living. After all, you are in charge of defining your life, how the time you have is spent, the greater good you want to contribute towards, and how others will remember you.”
Every Day We Fight is blessed to dedicate Day 23 of 32 to a man that refuses to stop fighting the good fight, Theron Drier.